Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fleet Transport

I was torn between a foam carry system and a Magnetized with metal system. I went with magnetized on metal. If I ever have to do any long distance traveling with them I may convert, but I am happy with this for now.




  1. Did you magnetize the bomber stands as well- if so, how did you go about it?(I've magentized everything too but it was the one unit I couldn't decide on how to do).

  2. Yes, I put one magnet in the bottom of the stand before inserting the pole. One on top of the pole, and one on the bottom of the Bomber. I also cut the poles to different heights so the Bombers would line up without hitting each other. (besides it looks cooler :) )

  3. @Southern Cygnar...genius approach. So can I gather from your name that you're a fellow Warmachine enthusiast as well?

  4. Yes sir, being born and raised in the South, all that Cygnarian Blue just didn't set to well. So my brave boys of the Swan hail from the Southern parts of Cygnar.

  5. Since I'm a New Yorker does that mean I'm Khadorian? Or given all the snow here perhaps I'm Rhulic!

  6. Outstanding! I will most likely go with a foam carry, but this is really nice. I too am magnetizing turrets and bombers -- I like the bomber poles cut at different heights; thanks for the idea!
