Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dystopian Wars Battle Report 5 - EotBS vs PE

A 1000 point game pitting Mike's Prussians vs. Bob's Blazing Sun.


  1. Thanks again for a wonderful battle report. I learned a lot about the cards that seemed to add a lot to the game.

  2. Very nice battle report, interesting scenario. It was highly informative to see the cards in action, I'm looking forward to seeing Firestorm Armada played with them at our store.

    I did like the irony of the prized cruiser sinking after colliding with the battleship. ;)

  3. @ Marth: yea the thought of the Prussian Prize Crew yelling at some poor Japanese Sailor "STOP ZE SHIP!!" makes me smile :)

  4. Awesome battle report! Keep up the good work. I'm likely going to buy Dystopian Wars once the hobby shop nearby gets them in stock. Does it seem that the Prussians are overpowered? That's the impression I'm getting.

  5. @ Curtis: I don't think they're over powered as a whole. I believe the Sky Fortress is under pointed and the fleet makeup rules that allow you to have 4 or 5 of them in a 1k list should be examined. Just 3 of them is a tough list.

  6. I'm looking into this game and am wondering what you think of the land rules. Are they glorified sea and air rules on land. For reasons I can't figure out, sea and air games don't appeal to me like land. Generally speaking, in gaming terms they're are pretty much the same. Anyway, I would be curious on your thoughts on what you think this will change about the way the game plays.

  7. @Itinerant: There's a lot more coming for the game. Work keeps me too busy lately, so I haven't read all the rules yet, but there's options for buying fortifications and such as part of your forces in a game. They are units that don't move, may be invulnerable, but bound to be taken as prizes by land forces.

    If the Prussian Airships seem overpowered it's because the equivalent or balancing units aren't out yet as models. They are there in the army lists, though.

    The movement rules and such for the land forces are the same, but for the smallest models can turn in place. The scale of the game is such that the smallest things on the table are stands of two tanks. Infantry/marines are abstracted out to the AP/boarding system.

  8. The D6 Generation podcast does a nice review of the ground models. Makes for a whole new game. Very excited.

    Love this format you do your Battle Reports. Get the play by play with out a bouncing camera and no distracting noises in the back ground.

    Well done

  9. Great battle report & blog. What is the benefit of recon planes in DWars?

  10. Hi, I hope things are alright on your end, seeing that it's now seven months after this report with no apparent update.
